Counselling Services

Aged care counselling services for carers, the elderly, their family and loved ones

We offer counselling services for people experiencing a range of challenges relating to ageing. This service is for the elderly, their loved ones and carers.

Our counselling covers a range of topics:

Younger hands holding an elderly persons hands reassuringly

Ageing and related issues

People and carers of those living with dementia - picture of a carer sitting with an elderly patient

People / Carers of those living with dementia

A person experiencing depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety

Grief and loss - a woman crying while her partner is consoling her

Grief and loss

Carer stress and fatigue - picture of an elderly carer experiencing some stress

Carer stress and fatigue

A couple not talking to each other after a fight

Relationship issues

Sometimes you just need guidance and help

Ageing can be a difficult process. Declines in health and independence can result in feelings of grief and anxiety about the future.

While we all do our best to tackle these challenges head-on, sometimes, you just need some guidance and additional support.

Our counselling service offers support for everyone within the aged care sector, including the elderly themselves, their loved ones and carers.

Who our counselling services are for, and what kind of counselling we offer

Our counselling services are for those who rely on or work in aged care.

Navigate Aged Care Solutions offers counselling support for general ageing issues, grief and loss, relationships, depression or anxiety and for people and their loved ones that are living with dementia.


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